Thursday, 14 September 2017

5 Common Habits That Make You Look Way Older Than You Are

Getting old is unavoidable
Growing older is inevitable, but ageing is completely under your control. You might have habits that you indulge in every day, that make you look way older than you actually are. Here are some ways you might be contributing to your premature ageing without your knowledge.

1. Not getting enough sleep
Yes, we know you’re hustling, getting the paper, and you think sleep is for losers. This is doing more harm than good to your health and making you age faster than is normal. Your skin cells function on a circadian rhythm, similar to the sleep-wake cycle that makes you tired at night and wakes you up in the morning. When you sleep, your skin cells repair the damage that has been endured throughout the day. When you don’t sleep, your skin can’t prepare for the next day.

woman sleeping
Image: BlackGirlsGuideToWeightLoss
2. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables
Eating a balanced diet loaded with disease-fighting fruits and vegetables can help prevent damage that causes your skin to age too early. That’s because fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients, like antioxidants and vitamins, which help fight free radical damage and keep your skin cells healthy.

Fruit Smoothie Nigeria
Image: NigerianFoodChannel
3. Eating too much sugar
Starchy, sugary foods—like white bread, ice cream, and potato chips can lead to glycation, a process in which sugar molecules attach to your collagen or the main building blocks of your skin

Cake Alternatives
Images by Dreamy Donuts
4. Smoking
Smoking tobacco can make you age faster than is normal.  In a study, researchers compared the facial features of 79 sets of twins—in which one twin currently smoked or smoked five years longer than his or her double—they found that those who smoked experienced greater eye bags, and more lip wrinkles.

Image: Kevin Ring
5. Drinking too much alcohol
Research suggests that alcohol can lower antioxidant levels in your skin. This can cause inflammation and free radical damage to your skin cells. Alcohol also tends to dehydrate your skin, which can make your face look dry and rough.

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